Worship at will?
The news at a glance column in the "Economist" reveals quite a few interesting thought processes followed within a bunch of religious tolerant countries. ANY measure of freedom may be open to criticism, and combining three separate measures—religious, political and civil—may seem more arbitrary yet. But the efforts of the Religious Centre for Freedom, using rankings from other sources, provide some intriguing comparisons. It is no shock that the likes of North Korea and Iran are intolerant of all sorts of freedoms, while America is just as easy-going over religion as it is concerning political freedoms. But look at India, Indonesia and some European countries: tolerance of civil and political rights is not matched by quite the same freedom to worship.

What do you mean by religious freedom? I don't follow this chart one bit!
Hm..Koreans appear that way as well! But what about Japan?
I think it is about reading a bar chart. Try it again.
I ain't the one who came up with the chart gurl [:D] but knowing Japs, I would think they should be a docile bunch.
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