My virgin effort on mixing my favorite series and Coldplay - Ashes 2005.
Oh here is my favorite song, my favorite team - Aussies PLUS one of the fantastic series ever to be played - Ashes 2005. And here is the run up for the series from my favorite site - Wiki. I liked Coldplay's Fix You - from X&Y, which would be the background music.
History behind the game - Ashes is a cricket match which is more of a pride at stake which the Aussies and the poms put on the game when they play. England v Australia is the oldest continuous international cricket fixture, dating back to the first meeting at Melbourne in March 1877. Fantastic ain't it?
A few pictures from the infamous series ever played, which critics hailed as one of the all time best. England regained the Ashes by beating Aussies 2-1 with a match draw.
(a) The Ashes - As big as palm !

(b) England celebrate the series - Fantastic to see the coverage live. What a match !

(c) Flintoff's hundred moment.

(d) When England had 4 runs to regain the Ashes.

(e) Clouds impregnated with lots of rain at TrentBridge.

And finally, the video I mixed. I am still in awe whenever I see it.
i have just lost it for the sports after all the match fixing and the world cup match that proved their worthlessness
Oh come on. You could do better. It is just a moronic way our players end up playing. Don't lose your interest for the same.
Come back sometime later. I will interest you in an another game sequence :)
I always thought of Cricket as a game of pure luck. One day u cud be winners, the next day u could be losers.
As fans of cricket we cant lose all hope if our team loses...cos there'll always be a next time..and also they have been winners b4 as well.
Cold play's 'fix you' has been one of my favourites too ever since I heard it :-)
I used to follow Cricket religiuosly.But after match fixing etc I have turned into a big skeptic and am so totally disillusioned and disappointed with the game.have stopped watching altogether
I knew you were an ardent fan of cricket. And this proves it!
You need to start getting into the habit of checking out my blog often. After all, I am your elder sister for a reason! :D
Oh yea you are spot on. A game of uncertainty clubbed with passion makes it one of a kind :-)
Fair enough. I know the feeling and suddenly the game is not the same no more with these glitches. Hey ! that is why this game is special. Is'nt it :)
Oh yea! Now you are talking.
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