Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Book Review - Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie

This is one a very quick read through books and the history of the book since it was published is that it was on the New York's Best sellers list for about 4 years and now it is up for grabs and I think it is all worth the money. I liked the way the author has written this book and how well, as a reader, you tend to agree passively to what the old professor says about life, about death and everything else we did in our life. Fantastic was one word but I had a big lump to swallow coz I did not know how to react to death and that too people who are close to a person. The author does that part of intertwining the reader to that of a character in the book. I felt so good and so lost when I read the book that I had been like the guy, Mitch who comes to his old prof. I had been hunting for the lost gold like a mad man, working late and hard and took life very seriously until this year which is when I packed my bags to come out of US. But that apart, I never had a good teacher like this person Morrie which made me feel even worse.

When I was in my high school, I had a math teacher in high school who gave to eating and chit chatting when for real he had to teach us, I had an English teacher who used to called "Fish" - a "Piss" and thought "Atom Bombs" which people burst during the festive season will produce "Fission reaction" and that we should not burst anymore, I had a physics teacher who never used to teach, he used to live by taking crap and monkey pranks and eventually devoted most of his time on taking private tutorials to make most money and finally a biology teacher who hated men and loved women and he made that point so explicit in the class to an extend that he would tell the us that the class was to be held in another place and would take the girls to another class and the love bites start there. So all this sort of made me reminisce and rue the fact that I did not have a thoughtful teacher like Morrie through out my school days to colleges days.

The book is a good eye opener and should be about 7 $ in the US and the same paper back would cost us about 200 bucks in India. A neat casual read with occasional points to ponder will flush your system when you are done.

I will give it a 4 star on 5. Here is a review for this book - Review link.


Aditi said...

if those teachers were really like that.. then err..err..i got no comments really

Rani said...

sorry.. i dont read. i really dont. hahaha so hmm cant quite comment on books i have never read and will never read.

Vidya said...

Viki, be a good brother and visit my blog often!

Keshi said...

ok then...good review Vik :)


Vik Rajagopalan said...


Trust me "they were one of a kind". And I have no regrets either coz I have done good so far.

@Smart and Huggles:

LOL I like your audacious, dog headed thought :-) hey dont worry much about the books. It is a kill joy to a few and a pleasure for a few. So either way no harm done.


LOL. Alright


Thanks much Keshi.