Movie Review - American gangster
I have always like Denzel Washington and then it was one of the reasons why I visit his movies without much worry. Always can expect good stuff. Anyway, this movie is an interesting parallel about how much the 60's, 70's and 80's world thought that the Italian mafia were the ones who indulged excessively in drug peddling. Apparently, this is a true life incident where it puts forward to the world how much corrupt the military were those years (Oh yea, America can be corrupt too!), that they peddled in dope from Vietnam through the military carriers into the US and then Lukas (DW), takes control. His cool demeanor and low profile just ensures that he is never noticed by anyone. It is quite evident how the Attorney dismisses Russle crowe's (a Cop), allegation and evidences as baseless by saying - "No nigger has accomplished what the American Mafia hasn't in a hundred years! ". I love that line for some reason. Just sums up how much people, administrators, cops and everyone else who matters thought when it came to drug peddling.
In American Gangster Denzel captivates and hold the screen. He’s both charming and disarmingly deadly at the same time. I generally love gangster films but hate the over glorification of the lifestyle. Never once in AG did I feel American Gangster glorified Denzel’s Frank Lucas.
Lucas is cold and calculating, but exudes a quiet charisma. He’s smart enough to build his empire while avoiding the trappings of the Gangster lifestyle. Yes he has the fabulous houses, but he dresses in drab, suits to blend into the crowds. He’s not like other Gangsters of the period like Gooding Jr., a showboating, loud dresser who carries around copies of his press clippings. In one scene Lucas sees one of his cousins wearing a loud outfit and tells him to take it saying “Why are you wearing a suit that screams arrest me.” He says this in such a way that’s part concerned relative with a hint of something else behind his eyes.
"You understand? You're too loud, you're making too much noise. Listen to me, the loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room. "
Mob movies have long equated organized crime with supply-and- demand capitalism, but "American Gangster" may be the first underworld epic in which a drug kingpin lectures a subordinate about the significance of "brand names" and "trademark infringement" in the heroin trade. In a scene, Frank Lucas, the crime lord of Harlem, warns low-level mobster Cuba Gooding Jr. to stop selling inferior smack under the Lucas-established "Blue Magic" brand. For the junkie consumer, Lucas asserts, Blue Magic promises a certain level of quality -- like Pepsi. :-]
Lucas' upward mobility, dishonestly acquired wealth and love of family -- he imports the whole clan from North Carolina -- are contrasted with the divorced Russell Crowe' crummy living conditions and screwed-up approach to relationships. (Scenes with his ex-wife are extraneous and help pad the movie to an unnecessary 157 minutes.) Occasionally, the director presents parallel events in the men's worlds, as when he cuts from a lavish Lucas Thanksgiving dinner -- staged to suggest the famous Norman Rockwell painting -- to a shot of Russell Crowe at home alone, sprinkling crushed potato chips onto his processed turkey meat sandwich !
I surely don't want to say more and reveal plot here for the prospective movie watcher. To me this has been one of the best entertainers. I would give a thumbs up and a 9 on 10 rating. So go on and treat yourself with this movie.
heyyy! new template!!! This is so much easier on the eye! the whole name change wud be Denzel-influenced. And wot u reversed ur name to get a gangster name?? Lol!
Btw, nice review! Now tat I read it. Not a big gangster movie fan. But yeah, one cant miss Denzel's charisma!
Nice new template.... :)
Btw, me been meaning to watch the movie, yet to... also wanna see "we own the night"....
I love Denzil Washington!
Gotta watch this one. tnxx Vikz!
Today I wrote abt a Movie too...
lol so u've changed ur Id ur a gangster? very cute :)
What was tat comment in my blog?? When did I mess with u?
And can I be honest with u?
Can I be brutally honest with u??
Ok, so ur saying YES..
I prefer the prev pic to the gangsta one... u look intelligent in tat one with glasses...there is no harm in atleast looking tat way rite?? LOL!
But u dont care.. gangsters dont care.. so I know ur gonna stick to this ;)
and dont come back and tell me bout tat cross u carried. or how hurt u were and all tat.... cuz m bored.. and tatz obvious! lol!
Denzel Washington is an absolute ustaad. I'll check out this movie on the basis of your recommendation!
humm i like denzel a lot a lot of charisma....
like the new template, lol ur new name and look too..heheh
ohh ya the pics in the later posts r very visibly stunning ;)
hey one more thing, watever is written in black coloured font is not visible..
where r ya Mr.Vixx?
Oh, how have you been mate? Am alive and kicking and not dead yet :=]
Oh yea! Denzel Washington is a great actor of them all. I watch his movie without much liability you know. :-] thanks for the comments. I know what you mean. People turn back and look only when we got Gangsta's to deal with :D
I have fixed that font problem now.
Thanks for dropping by and I think you would like the movie too.
Thanks mate, yea yea, keep trying and I am easy to fall off my feet so yea you are doing a great uber cool job now.. I look intellect. very nice. I did not fall for that bait you know !
You would not regret watching that movie too. Though it has some mix of over emotional stunts, but Marc Wahelberg is cool in that movie as well.
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