Saturday, May 12, 2007

Manners - What and where is it these days?

What's with the world around us these days specifically in the 3rd world countries? We take so much of liberty with the fellow beings around to a large extend that we are totally mannerless.

I don't know what else to say about this. Especially when there were two guys who shouldered me to get into an elevator at work. All they had to do was just be patient. The elevator is not made for just two. Again to see that happen in a supposedly and claimed to be a MNC. I just don't have words to add on any more.

The same thing happened in Canada when I had to board a train and I saw a few Indian look alike get into the train and at the same time a big fat afro American was making her way out of the Train. You can guess what happened next. The lady bashed them for being so rude and the learning out of the experience was zero. Coz they just did not change inside the train.

Sometimes, Indians worst enemy abroad is none other than another Indian !

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